"soulful house"是以舒适家居为特点的美国品牌。意为一个充满舒适的家,同时让心灵的情感有所寄托和承载。"舒旗美家",为英文品牌名称的中文音译,其秉承为每一个家庭送去温馨与舒适的制作理念,让每一个中国家庭其乐融融、温情脉脉.

他们相爱了,在那一刻牵手,共同设计了一系列的经典作品,开启了功能沙发的巅峰历程。经历时间的磨砺,为世上留下了soulful  house这一经典品牌。今天,souful house已经横跨大洋,来到中国,融合了东方文明的精粹,承载一段段动人的情感。

Our Brand Story:
The story was happened in the state of Oregon, middle period of 20th Century.
House was an excellent young sofa maker. He was proud of his sofa when the people reclined in it comfortably. The idea of create a most comfortable sofa become his power to keen to innovate continually. His requirement on his sofa is to be perfect, and this extremely strict requirement on quality to endow with the soul and vitality for his products.
Soulful was a young designer for room decoration , she was also keen to innovate.
In her opinion, a house can be decorated as a home only by using your heart.
Otherwise, a young is just a house, a house never for ever to be a real home.
These two youths was casually met in a U.S small town, Roswell. It is the beginning for our brand story and it is also the beginning for a famous brand. The young girl was sitting in the sofa quietly, and feeling her special heart-throb. Meantime , the boy was falling in love at his first sight of the beautiful picture in front of him.
They loved each other from that moment, and started to work together to design a range of classic function sofa in further. By experienced a long time, Soulful House developed as a famous and classic brand in the world. Soulful House will be arrived in China as well, it brings his soul and vitality from the other side of the world and it also will be jointed with the traditional China culture to play a new story for us.